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Ysanne Choksey

Ysanne Choksey

Ysanne Choksey

Originally from the UK, Ysanne completed a masters back in 2012 in International Development with the sole objective of one day being the first female Secretary General of the UN. After attempting to employ these newly acquired development theories in various different countries as far flung as the lower Himalayas in Northern India and as close to home as Berlin, she decided that it was history that she really loved. Having moved to Berlin in early 2013, Ysanne quickly fell in love with the history, culture and general relaxed attitude that the city had to offer. During this masters Ysanne hopes to deepen her understanding of history on a more global scale, but one that can be applied to the local - as she feels she has done with Berlin in her role as a tour guide whose job it is to explain this rather beguiling city to its new arrivals and short term travelers.  

Global histories