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Margaret Slevin

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Margaret (Mamie) Slevin holds a B.S. from Carnegie Mellon University in Social and Political History with an additional major in Psychology (2019). During her bachelors, Mamie focused on U.S. gender history while exploring history from across the globe. Following her bachelor’s program, Mamie moved to Washington, D.C. to work at the Smithsonian Institution Archives where she archived oral histories and researched women in science at the Smithsonian Institution for the American Women’s History Initiative. She then worked in fundraising at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. before deciding to pursue an M.A. in Global History in Berlin. Mamie hopes to become more immersed in the field of Global History while pursuing research with a gender lens. She is interested in archiving, first-person narratives, feminisms, and folk beliefs.

Global histories