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Franco Batista Garcia

Franco Batista Garcia

Franco Batista Garcia

Hi everyone :)

My name is Franco Batista Garcia and  I graduated in 2023 from Florida International University with a BA in History. I was born in Cuba and left with my parents at the age of 5 for the U.S.; half of my family resides in Cuba and the other half is in the United States.

I was fortunate enough to have received a scholarship to study an MA in Global History at Freie and Humboldt, for without it education back home would have been out of financial reach. My interest in comparative political history, particularly that of authoritarianism and fascism, will be surely met by such a broad scope for the program. 

I've worked previously at my university as a research assistant and fellow; however, my favorite job was working at the art museum on campus. Being a museum educator was a lot of fun and helped me grow as a person. I hope that my studies here in Berlin will lead to a career and/or further studies in public history/education. 

In my free time, I like to read, though I tend not to have enough time for a lot of it. One of my real passions, however, is baking! I have a big sweet tooth, so baking has been something I've become very fond of.

Global histories