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Bryonie Carolan

Bryonie Carolan

Bryonie Carolan

Studying the Global History Master’s at the Freie Universität and the Humboldt-Universität allowed me to explore my career options in a safe environment. When I graduated from my Bachelor’s in London, I was at a stage in my life where I did not have enough experience to stand out on the job market and the competition to secure a place on a graduate scheme within a company was fierce. I was not sure what I wanted to do next. In London, I was faced with the choice of struggling to apply for entry level jobs I might not even be interested in or undertaking unpaid internships in a very expensive city. Coming to Berlin, to a city that has more opportunities for working students, I could easily combine studying with developing my professional experience. I found the job market for English-speaking students abundant and through experience found out I had a knack for online marketing. Furthermore, the Global History degree allowed me the flexibility to attend classes that interested me and enriched my passion for history. Together with the legal maximum of a 20-hour working week for student jobs, I could fit my part-time jobs around my studies. Not only that, I found that having the support of my new friends on the Global History programme helped me to easily settle into life in a new country. Unlike other people who moved for careers, the Global History Master’s gave me a network of friends and a community whom I could always rely on. I was not completely alone. Aside from this, I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to study new approaches to history that were not offered on my Bachelor’s degree and through having the chance to try these new approaches, the degree re-ignited my dream to eventually pursue a PhD in history—when the time comes.

Global histories